5 Simple Tips for Ending the School Year Positively


As the end of the school year approaches, you may find yourself fatigued. The year has been taxing mentally and physically and you are ready for a break. The same students who have required redirections are still in high needs of support. The pressure of wrapping up assessments, grades, etc. is mounting up. You now notice the sprint you had after spring break has come to a limping walk. 

It’s common to feel this way at this point in time, but I encourage you to finish strong! As impossible as then end may feel, I guarantee you everything will get done on time. Here are few simple ways to boost your mood and energy so you can end the school year positively:

1. Eat. Make sure you are eating well rounded meals throughout the day. Don’t skip breakfast because it gives your body the fuel needed to begin the morning. Try eating light snacks such as veggies, fruits, nuts, and yogurt in between meals. 

2. Drink. Water keeps you hydrated and energized. Try doing a water challenge with co-workers. 

3. Sleep. Sleep is one of the most critical, yet overlooked activities for countless educators. Getting enough is essential for focus and concentration. I recommend setting a ‘go to bed’ goal and sticking to it. Also, once you call it a night, shut down your television and smartphone. 

4. Promote the positive. Frustration and complaints will surely rise during this time of year. Instead of feeding the negativity fire, which is ineffective for staff as well as students, choose to reframe situations. Find the positive out of every moment and publicly state it amongst your colleagues. Keep an upbeat and energetic spirit. It’s contagious. 

5. Make it fun. Make the ending of the year fun for everyone by being creative. One idea is to put on themed potlucks for staff. Food always brings out happiness. Spirit days are another great idea to bring smiles into the environment. Increase participation by rewarding the best spirited folks in your building. You can also take advantage of the weather and learn outside. Kids appreciate an occasional break in routine, especially for spontaneous exuberant learning environments. 

Although simple, I recommend you stay mindful of these 5 tips. End the year on a happy note. There’s no better way than to send kids home for the summer feeling happy, energized, and accomplished. Educators should also leave for break feeling the same way.

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